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    Aeronautics Year 1 Decoration Ceremony 2018

    July 18, 2018   |   Praveen Shaju   |   Aeronautics Department, Faculty of Business Administration News, Spotlight News,

    In an endeavor to felicitate the Aeronautics Students, the St. Theresa International College held its 2nd Decorating Ceremony on 18th July, 2018 at the Mock-up room. The main motto of the Ceremony is to encourage the students and to make them understand their responsibilities.

    The program began at 10.00 am with the welcome speech by Dr. Sakda, the Head of the Department of Aeronautics. Dr. Theresa V. Promsonthorn, the Vice-Chairman of the college, Mr. Prachuap, the Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration graced the occasion. Aj. Wallop, Aj. Saran Kumar, Aj. Praveen Shaju and Staffs from the Vice-Chairman’s Office were also present.

    Mr. Kiratti Khamkaew, the Student President of the Department of Aeronautics described about the importance of the Decorating Ceremony and introduced the freshmen to the dignitaries for wing pinning.

    Dr. Sakda introduced the students to be decorated to Dr. Theresa and she felicitated the students with the epaulette and gave the Presidential address. She also explained the importance of the ceremony to the students. On behalf of the 1st year Aeronautics Student, Mr. Thanat Vijitkomjon, gave the oath in-front of the dignitaries. The meeting ended up with the vote of Thanks by Aj. Wallop.