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    Message from the Dean

    The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is deeply delighted to extend to you a very warm welcome to our Hu-So community with a great hope that you will fully enrich yourselves with the academic and cultural environment we have offered.

    The Faculty has been in operation for almost two decades since it was originated and has offered two international programs, namely English for Business Communication and Communication Arts (Majoring in Digital Media). It may be perceived as a quite new and small faculty, physically; however, its tasks and responsibilities are huge and significant.

    Aligning with the identity and mission of the University and in “Quest for Distinction”, the Faculty conducts two main missions. First, it houses many qualified faculty members who are highly proficient in teaching various skills of English and communication arts and content-based courses using English as the medium of teaching, and also in conducting collaborative research with industries in the public and private sectors. Second, the Faculty fully dedicates in providing a truly globalized learning environment by engaging the world outside the University to provide real world experiences to its students. With this rigorous endeavor, the Faculty is certain that its students are not only equipped with abilities beneficial for them to compete in a truly globalized marketplace; but also are formed to be required individuals who are technically and culturally competent; good communicators being able to explain their ideas and concepts verbally and nonverbally to people from diverse backgrounds who speak any languages aside from English; entrepreneurs and employees effectively working individually and in team with array of people. These attributes will serve as the tools to the students’ success no matter what path they choose over their lifetimes.

    As for career success, our graduates have been successful in becoming entrepreneurs running their own businesses, or employees working in both public and private sectors such as airline industries, public relation affairs, hotel businesses, mass media & communication companies, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, international organizations, academic institutes, and foreign embassies.

    The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is the place that instills in its students the academic knowledge, critical thinking, communication skills, digital skills, cultural skills, and problem solving skills critical to becoming the leaders we imagine them to become in the Quest for Distinction.

    Asst. Prof. Dr. Ubon Dhanesschaiyakupta
    Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science