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1 Moo 6 Rangsit-Nakhon Nayok Road (Klong 14), Bungsan, Ongkarak, Nakhon Nayok 26120, Thailand.

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    Message from the Dean

    Welcome to the Faculty of Public Health at St. Teresa International University! We are delighted to have you join our vibrant community, where we encourage not only academic excellence but also personal growth and engagement in various enriching activities.

    As future public health officers, you will play a crucial role in disease prevention and the promotion of healthy living within our communities. Your journey here will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to empower communities to address their health challenges and actively participate in health initiatives. This is a transformative period in your life, where you will develop a strong commitment to your responsibilities as health advocates.

    Established in 2011, our Faculty of Public Health is proud of its track record in producing high-quality professionals. Our graduates, from programs such as the Bachelor’s in Occupational Health and Safety, the Bachelor of Public Health, and the Master’s in Public Health, are recognized for their competence and dedication to the field. All of our programs are accredited by relevant professional councils and agencies, ensuring that your education meets the highest qualification standards.

    We take pride in the bilingual proficiency of our students, preparing them to thrive in both the public and private sectors, and to contribute effectively to health promotion efforts at both the national and global levels.

    We look forward to supporting you on this exciting journey and wish you every success in your studies and future endeavors!

    Asst. Prof. Dr. Sahathaya Rattanajorana

    Dean, Faculty of Public Health