Accounting Students attend the 8th National Accounting Competition, Thailand 2020

A team consisting three members of the Accounting Department under Bachelor of Business
Administration of St. Theresa International College, has been participated the 8th National Accounting Competition, Thailand under the supervision of Mr. Kamrul Hasan and Mr. Mohammad Iqbal Hossain lecturers of the Accounting Department on 25th January, 2020.
The one day competition, dubbed “Thailand Accounting Challenges 2020” was organized by the
Federation of Accounting Profession (FAP) to help university and college students understand the accounting profession and equip them with prerequisite skills for the job market. It was held at the main building of FAP.
There were three rounds of the competition; 1st Round, 2nd Round and Final Round. The team of the St. Theresa International College, sailed up to the 2nd round as only 30 teams have been qualified for the 3rd round within 149 teams.
The aim of the participation in the competition is to develop the ability of the students, especially those studying Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, in using accounting information for business development and to improve their enabling skills as required by today’s business world. Besides, it was a great opportunity for the students to justify their own skills and knowledge’s on Accounting, Auditing, Taxation and Finance with other competitors of various universities and colleges from all over Thailand.
The competition, which is an annual event, was sponsored by Leading Business organizations, Auditing firms, including big4 (KGMG, PwC, EY and Deloitte) and leading group of companies in Thailand. The students had a visit of all stalls of big4 audit firms and other companies which enable them to get information about accounting and auditing process, effects of technology on accounting and auditing and also know the recruitment process for an internship at the Big4 Auditing firms.
Mr. Prachuab Trinikorn, Dean of the faculty of Business administration and Dr. Abdus Salam, Head of the Accounting Department provide valuable suggestions, advices and supervisions to make the project successful. The participation in the competition encourages the students, mostly to be future financial leaders in the field of business, learn and skilled their knowledge in accounting, auditing, taxation and finance.