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    Student Loans

    The costs of education are always a concern for many students and their families. This has influenced the Government of Thailand to issue their student loan scheme, which enables all of Thailand’s youth to pursue higher education.

    If you require financial assistance, in order to attend St Teresa International University, we strongly recommend that you apply for student loan as soon as possible.

    In order to claim student loan, you will need to access the official Government’s e-StudentLoan System by going to, where you will need to register your ID card number as well as fill in all the necessary details stated in the website’s online form prior to the end of your tuition fee payment deadlines.

    You will need to choose one from the below student loan options:

    1. Gor-Yor-Sor Loan: You may select this option if incomes from both parents/guardians do not exceed the amount of 200,000 Thai Baht/year.
    2. Gor-Ror-Or Loan: This option is limited to particular cases and the amount that can be claimed shall differ each year depending on the conditions of the application.


    Applicant must be:

    • Thai national.
    • From a family earning not more than 200,000 Baht/year (if applying for Gor-Yor-Sor Loan).
    • Possess good grades or has passed assessment by the Institute.
    • Person of good conduct.
    • Able to satisfy all entry requirements for studying at the credited institute.
    • Able to guarantee repayment of all student loans within 15 years after claiming loan.

    Applicant must NOT be:

    • A graduate from any higher education institute prior to the student loan application (i.e. applicant should not already have a Bachelor, Master or Doctorate degree).
    • A regular employee.
    • Person who is bankrupt.
    • Convicted of any criminal charges.
    • Already on a government loan scheme (within past 2 years).
    • More than 60 years old if applying for Gor-Yor-Sor Loan Scheme.
    • More than 30 years old if applying for Gor-Ror-Or Loan Scheme.


    Once you have submitted all the required information via e-StudentLoan System, the Government’s Student Loan Office will process your application. The University shall regularly monitor your application via Student Loan Information System to determine the status of your student loan application.

    If your application was successful, we will get in touch with you to complete all the necessary documentations.

    For further details, please contact the Student Loan Office in St. Teresa International University at

    Scholarships (For Thai Nationals)

    Types of ScholarshipGPADuration of ScholarshipEligible Programs of StudyAreasScholarship Continuation Criteria
    Good Grade Students Scholarship2.50As parts of Student Loans for 1 yearEvery Field except for the Nursing Science and Air Traffic ControlEvery ProvinceMaintain GPA not less than 2.00
    3.00As parts of Student Loans throughout the Program.
    Specific Majors scholarship2.50Receive Student Loans Difference throughout the ProgramTourism and Hotel, Digital Media Field/Accounting –Faculty of Education (Teacher)Every ProvinceMaintain GPA not less than 2.00
    Catholic Students Scholarship2.50Receive Student Loans Difference throughout the ProgramEvery Field except Nursing Science and Air Traffic ControlEvery ProvinceMaintain GPA not less than 2.00
    Christian Students Scholarship2.50Receive ฿10,000 of reduction for each term throughout the ProgramEvery Field except Nursing Science and Air Traffic ControlEvery ProvinceMaintain GPA not less than 2.00
    Sports Scholarship2.50Receive Student Loans Difference throughout the ProgramEvery Field except Nursing Science, Air Traffic Control / Digital Media Field and AccountingEvery ProvinceMaintain GPA not less than 2.00

    * 20 Students for Sport Scholarship for the sport types of football / futsal / takraw.
    ** Scholarship Students must pay for Scholarship Fees of ฿5,000 each term from 2nd term – 8th term.