Aeronautics Student Visit to Thai Aviation Industry Co., Ltd., Nakhon Sawan

The Thai government in 2003 established the Thai Aviation Industries Company Limited (TAI) to operate in repair and maintenance of aircraft for government sectors. The company’s aircraft repair services centre at Nakhon Sawan Province was officially opened on the 29th April 2004. The company also set up the tool and measurement testing and calibration centre in 2005. Thai Aviation Industry Co., Ltd. has processed high capacities to repair and maintain variety of military aircraft at Aircraft maintenance center, Wing 4 Takhli district Nakhon Sawan province. Currently TAI has four maintenance centers, to provide repair and maintenance services for over 50 aircraft and helicopters per year. The standard of the services is in accordance with the rules instructed by the Department of Civil Aviation. Thai Aviation Industries Co., Ltd. (TAI) can provide services such as Sheet Metal Work, Aircraft Painting, Schedule Maintenance and Un-Schedule Maintenance. TAI service has widely served military, government sectors and various kinds of commercial aircraft.
On November 20th, 2019 the Third year Aeronautics Students along with two lecturers and the Vice President of Student Affairs of the College visited the Thai Aviation industries Co., Ltd (wing 4), Takhli by 9.00 AM. The Chief of the TAI and instructors are welcomed the STIC team members. The officers gave us a briefing about the TAI maintenance base in the conference room, After the briefing there was an interaction session between the officers of TAI and the students from STIC.
Briefing about the TAI Maintenance base in the conference room
After the briefing the students were taken to the hangers for the practical session. The wing officers were explained about the aircraft maintenance and airworthiness certification procedures, Composite manufacturing unit processes, Aircraft painting unit, the use of special tools for the maintenance. The Students got the maintenance exposure with the C130H and F-16 aircrafts. They also explained about the opportunities available in the Royal Thai air force.
Briefing in the Hanger
We had a great time in knowing the procedures of the aircraft maintenance which we have learnt in the class room. This visit helped us to expand our understanding in terms of the practical application of the classroom knowledge.
ACM Wallop Mesomsup presented the memento to the Instructors
Finally, we left the flight school by 1.30 pm and reached STIC by 5.00 pm. The feedback from the students was collected to assess the outcome of the visit. It was found that the students enjoyed much and they got more knowledge on the aircraft maintenance. The summary of the feedback is also attached.