Ayuttaya Day Trip 2022

On July the 13th, (Asanha Bucha Day) the Department of English for Business Communication year 1 students under the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences were invited by the Faculty of Education through Aj. Dario Mando, the EDE Department Head, to join the ED year 1 and year 2 students in a day trip to one of the most historical places in the country, Ayuttaya Province. The day was filled with so much fun and excitement though the weather was somewhat wet and dry. The students were accompanied by Dr. Arlen, Aj. Willard, Aj. Ramona, Aj.Vandolph, Aj. Leo and Aj Dario who spent their holiday with full of enthusiasm walking and capturing some precious moments with their kiddos. Pictures below are evidences of how this day trip will bring a lot of great memories to both the students and lecturers. Lastly, the faculty would like to express its gratefulness to Aj. Dario for inviting our lovely freshies.