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    KM 2 for AY 2021

    March 2, 2022   |   admin   |   Faculty of Humanities & Social Science News,

    On Wednesday, March 2, the STIC Administration Building Lobby was filled with posters, brochures, presenters, lecturers, deans and administrators for another Knowledge Management Day for the academic year 2021-2022.  Two KM Projects conducted by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences were represented by Aj, Khomson Suebsaeng (Creating Colour Harmony and Balance Colour Schemes – Academic KM) from the Department of Communication Arts, Digital Media and Aj. Leo Anthony Bril Flores (Fix Me, Make Me Right – Research KM) from the Department of English for Business Communication. This year’s theme was “Strategies in Leading Educational Change and Improvement in Higher Education” and was presided by Madam Dr. Theresa Virachanee Promsunthorn.  The more than an hour gathering was such a huge success whereby participants exchanged new and innovative teaching-learning techniques.