Love Yourself Inspirational Speech 2022

Words are very strong. They can either make or break people. Nowadays that the world is not as nice as it used to be, people who can motivate, words that can encourage, gestures that can inspire are considered necessities. Yadalyn Tiwawong, an English for Business Communication year 1 student is one of those people that can motivate and her words and gestures can encourage and inspire others. Her speech “Love Yourself” moved and touched a lot of people who heard and watched her video when it was shown during the “HuSo Showcase 2022 – An Array of English Language Skills” on February 15, 2022.
Some of the goose-bumping lines from her speech:
“I became a people-pleaser, a worshipper of approval. I put everyone over myself all the time and it affected me physically and weakened me mentally. I got sick and lost so many things: I had to drop out from my previous university and hospital became my second home. I got stuck at home healing myself for so many years while people around me started to graduate, followed their dreams, and felt happy with their lives. I felt like I lost everything, especially myself. Sadly, that was no one’s fault. It is because I have never loved myself.”
“Don’t waste your time trying to please or impress others. Don’t waste your time caring about what people think. A lot of people got their own opinions. Not everybody gonna like you, that hurts but it’s true. Forget all their opinions because some people are wishing to be like you and live that kind of life you are living. Always be good, be gentle and be nice to yourself. Most of all, LOVE YOURSELF because that kind of feeling is the best.”
If you want to hear or watch her video, click the link below. Let’s start LOVING OURSELVES in the midst of all the challenges in life. .