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1 Moo 6 Rangsit-Nakhon Nayok Road (Klong 14), Bungsan, Ongkarak, Nakhon Nayok 26120, Thailand.

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    The Master of Public Health (MPH) program is designed to produce graduates who are leaders, administrators, and practitioners in the field of public health, capable of addressing public health issues. The program emphasizes the creation of new knowledge through research to promote health, control and prevent diseases within communities, ensure environmental health, and enhance occupational health for the development of population health and safety. The program aims to improve the population’s quality of life, foster ethical practices in public health work by adhering to academic principles, and enable graduates to work effectively as part of multidisciplinary teams alongside network partners and stakeholders. Graduates will be equipped to address public health challenges at local, national, and international levels.

    Download Prospectus

    What will I learn?

    Objectives of the Program

    To produce public health scholars who:

    1. Can research health systems to identify sustainable development approaches.
    2. Can design programs and strategies to promote health and prevent diseases.
    3. Can effectively communicate knowledge about laws and practices to the public in a correct manner.
    4. Possess the understanding and ability to collaborate with teams working on economic and social development, ensuring the efficiency of public health initiatives.


    Instructional Management

    The system for instructional management is a semester system

    Semester 1                                           June – October (15 weeks)

    Semester 2                                           November – February (15 weeks)

    Summer Semester                              March – May (8 weeks)

    Non-regular office hours                 Saturdays and Sundays (08:30 – 16:30)

    Number of Credits in the Program

    The curriculum is structured under Plan A Option B, which emphasizes research and includes the completion of a thesis. The credit breakdown is as follows:

    – Thesis work equivalent to no less than 12 credits

    – Coursework consisting of no less than 24 credits

    The total number of required credits is 36 credits

    The Possibilities Are Endless


    • Targeted Professionals in the Program - Public health administrators and practitioners in local government organizations
    • - Public health administrators at various levels (provincial/district/sub-district)
    • - Public health managers in healthcare facilities at various levels
    • - Public health scholars and academics
    • - Public health researchers
    • - Faculty members in public health educational institutions
    • - Other professions related to health and healthcare services.

    Tuition Fees

    Expenses for the entire course:
    Expenses for the entire course:

    Interested? Apply Now!

    Before You Apply

    1. Applicants must have completed a bachelor’s degree in public health or other health-related fields from a higher education institution or government agency legally authorized to provide accreditation.
    2. The cumulative GPA for undergraduate studies must be at least 2.50.
    3. Applicants who do not meet the minimum GPA requirement must pass the entrance examination as set by the Curriculum Management Committee.

    Need to Know More?

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