Memorandum for Preventive Measures against COVID-19 (No. 2) – Ministry of Higher Education Sciences Research and Innovation

Due to worsening conditions of the spreading COVID-19 occurring globally in more than 34 countries along with the increasing cases of person to person infection in several countries, the Ministry of Public Health has issued measures to prevent and control the spread of COVID-19. The Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation is raising the level of its preventive measures from the Memorandum No. 1 issued on January 25, 2020, aligning with those from the Ministry of Health as follows:
- Ministry personnel and faculty, staff, and students of Higher Education institution to avoid travelling to countries and Special Administrative Regions with reported cases of COVID-19 infection or risk thereof listed by the Ministry of Health. The up-to-date list of regions can be found in the following link:
- Ministry personnel and faculty, staff, and students of Higher Education institution returning from the mentioned list of countries or Special Administrative Region must undergo Health Screening applicable to the following scenarios:
- Those with fever or signs of risks of contraction must strictly follow physicians’ instructions and refrain from reporting to work or classes for 14 days.
- Those screens are deemed healthy to carefully monitor their health and avoid attending classes or activities for 14 days or use online technology as alternatives for meetings or classroom instructions/learning.
- Ministry personnel and faculty, staff, and students of Higher Education institution with fever or experiencing abnormality in their respiratory systems or feels at risk by having close contact with nationals from countries with risks of COVID-19 infection should consult a physician.
- Ministry personnel and faculty, staff, and students of Higher Education institution should practice personal hygiene by frequently washing hands with soap and water or alcohol gel. Avoid touching the nose, eyes, and face unnecessary. Wear clean masks when in crowded areas. Those with the sneezes or coughs must wear a clinical mask to prevent the spreading the infection.
- All ministry units and educational institutions to heighten their maintained cleanliness with increased frequency of disinfecting floors, building entrances, elevators, and lavatories. Institutions must: check and wipe all public surfaces such as elevator buttons, stair railings, door handles and doorknobs with disinfectants, place alcohol gel dispensers, especially in front of building entrances, elevators, meeting rooms, and cafeterias, clean air conditioning systems more frequently, and post information to create awareness about preventing the spread of COVID-19 infection.
- All ministry units and educational institutions should avoid academic activities, meetings or seminars with invited speakers from countries or Special Administration Regions with reported cases of COVID-19 infection or the risks thereof and use online technologies to conduct such events alternatively.
- Avoid attending activities with large numbers of personnel or students.
- The Ministry of Higher Education will request the Ministry of Public Health for their assistance for disease screening and other relevant further actions.
All Ministry units and Educational institutions should immediately report any incidences or abnormalities regarding COVID-19 to the special task force under Bureau of Student Development via 02 039 5562-3 or to the Administrative Office, Bureau of Administration at 02 354 5668 or to the Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education at 085 488 7051.
Date of Memorandum: 25 February, 2020
Translated from below Original Thai Version: