The digital computing era has brought about a revolution in the way we share and acquire information. Information technology promotes St Teresa’s commitment to academics and advanced research; therefore we find it increasingly important that our students have a firm grasp on the advanced concepts of computing.
At St Teresa International University, we have equipped our computer laboratories with high-performance computer systems that are integrated with high-speed data networks, ensuring that students can acquire and process information efficiently and effectively. Beyond the computer laboratories, several computer workstations can also be found in our main library.

Software Availability
Lab computer platforms include Windows and Unix (Linux). Essential specialist software packages, such as Amadeus for our Airline Business students and SPSS for our Mathematics students, have been installed in all lab computers and are always kept up-to-date.
Having IT problems?
We have a very helpful IT support team that is always available to assist with any IT technical issues that you may have. Students, staff and faculty can feel free to approach them at any time to resolve any computing issues. Their department is conveniently situated in adjacent to the computer labs (Room no. 1-107).
Important Notes
- You MUST present a valid Student ID card in order to enter the labs.
- Please be considerate when using the computing labs; eating, drinking and smoking in labs are strictly prohibited.
- Data files that are kept in lab computers will be erased once the computers are restarted, therefore, in order to prevent loss of data, you must save your work on an external storage device such as an external hard drive or upload your data onto Cloud Data Storage Systems such as Dropbox or Google Drive.
- Recovery of files from damaged storage devices is not always possible, therefore we advice that you save your work frequently and retain backups in more than one storage device