Students Visit to Bangkok Aviation Centre, Khlong 15

Bangkok Aviation Center Public Company Limited (BAC) is established in 2002 B.E. with aviation training courses, aircrafts maintenance, and proficiency in aviation communication test centre.
The aviation training center is considered as an informal school, classifying in professional, following Private School Act (2550), with 5 main aviation training courses: Commercial Pilot License (CPL), Private Pilot License (PPL), Instrument License (IR), Multi-Engine Rating (MR), and Instructor Pilot (IP).
Moreover, the aviation training center also provides Student Aircraft Mechanics Course (SAM) and Proficiency in Aviation Communication Test Centre (PACT) for aviation-related personnel i.e.pilots and air traffic controller as determined by the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT).
On December 11th, 2019 the I year Aeronautics Students along with the two lecturers of the Department left to Bangkok Aviation centre by 1.30 pm. We reached the Flight School by 2.00 pm. The Head of the Ground Training School and some instructors welcomed us. Mr. Por, the Head of the Ground Training School gave us a brief note about the Flight School and the facilities available there in the campus. After the brief lecture, students were separated into 2 groups and each group was headed by a Pilot. they were taken to the Maintenance hanger, the ATC tower, the Apron and the Simulator. They explained patiently about the working procedure of all the areas. In the maintenance hanger, they could co-relate the topics which they have learnt in the Aircraft Structures subject. They were also able to learn much about the Aerodrome Subject.
Mr. Por, Pilot instructor gave his welcome speech
Mr. Por, Pilot instructor gave brief introduction about BAC
Mr. Por, Pilot instructor explains about latest trends in aviation
After the brief introduction students were taken to the BAC hangers. There were three hangers in Total: Two for Cessna 172 and one for the Diamond DA-42. In the hanger they were explained an aircraft engine repair procedure. they were given a lot of information by Mr. Por and Ms.Asia about the hangers and the repair and maintenance procedure.
Mr. Por, Pilot instructor explains about Cessna 172 aircraft operation in hanger
Also they were taught about the simulators by the instructors. Each one of them were given time to use the simulator. They had a great time in knowing the usage of various systems which they have learnt in the class room. This visit helped us to expand our understanding in terms of the practical application of the classroom knowledge.
Mr. Por, Pilot instructor explaining Cessna 172 simulator
Trainee pilot Ms.Asia sheared her aviation experience and gave motivation speech to the students.
Ms. Asia, Trainee pilot (Cessna 172) explained her experience to the students
Mr.Mohamed Shamaail consulting the pilot instructor
Our Student Mr. Watas expressed his word of thanks to the Flight School Instructors
ACM Wallop Mesomsup presented the memento to the Pilot Instructor
Students and the lecturers with Instructor pilot and Trainee Pilot
Students and the lecturers in the BAC
Finally we left the flight school by 4.00 pm and reached STIC by 4.30 pm.
To put everything together, I would say that this visit was very fruitful as i could see most of the things which the students have learnt in the classroom.
The feedbacks from the students are collected to assess the outcome of the visit. It was found that the students enjoyed much and also they found this visit very fruitful. The summary of the feedback is also attached.